"I am really a product of distance and homesickness."Have you ever been missing something but you know that there's nothing you can do so all you can do is accept it. Yap I feel that way. I just miss everything. The atmosphere, the rain in a friday afternoon, the road or even the sounds of raindrops that tapping softly on my rooftop. But the thing that I miss the most is my family, my senior high school mate, and all the surroundings; like breaking our fasting together, praying tarawih in our favourite mosque. There's no better feeling than praying tarawih with your family and friends, right?
I know all I can do is just seeing old photos till my tears rolling down my face. Then I sweep it and cry again (I think plegmatis actually good at this). Well, I’m homesick all the night. I just don’t know where home is. There’s this promise of happiness out there. I know it. I even feel it sometimes. But it’s like chasing the moon - just when I think I have it, it disappears into the horizon.
Label: personal
Juli 03, 2014 @ 22.18 / 0 daisies